Also referred to as Ronchi dei-Legionarior Friuli Venezia-Guilia, Trieste Airport offers flights to 10 destinations.
Autobusové trasy na letisko Terst (TRS)
Trasy | Čas jazdy |
Ljubljana (Bus station) – Trieste (TRS) Airport – Ljubljana (Bus station) | 1 hour 52 minutes |
Flight delay at Trieste (TRS) airport?
Na každom letisku môže dôjsť k meškaniu alebo zmene času letu a často už nemáte možnosť nijako ovplyvniť váš následný transfer. Naše telefonické centrum je dostupné vždy na čísle +386 1 431 7777 a pomôže vám naplánovať si cestu domov alebo do hotela.
If you’re stuck at the airport waiting for an outbound flight, check out their terminal map where you can find the nearest café, shop, or airline ticket office to help you find your bearings.
Na letisku
Trieste airport has two cafes and one self-serving restaurant where you can grab a drink, snack, and most importantly, a chair, when waiting for your flight.
You can find some merchandise and a small duty-free shop as well, but don’t expect the facilities usually afforded by the large airports around the world. If you usually grab a gift for your loved ones at the airport, maybe you will be disappointed you did not do that before.
European airport security might not be as stringent as in the US, but remember, Trieste is international airport, and you should expect lengthy security protocol queues when a few flights overlap. It is a small airport, but keep in mind that late arrival to controls area can result in missing the flight.
Letecké spoločnosti majú svoje vlastné pravidlá pre prepravu batožiny, ale pamätajte si, že niektoré pravidlá sú univerzálne. Nesnažte sa preniesť na palubu lietadla kvapaliny alebo ostré predmety, pretože to bude viesť len k tomu, že vám nápoj odoberú, uviaznete v dlhom rade, alebo, v najhoršom prípade, budete musieť bezpečnostnému personálu vysvetľovať svoje úmysly.
Kedy by ste mali prísť na letisko
For any international flight departing from Trieste Airport, make sure to arrive at least 2 hours before your flight for check-in. If your airline allows you to check in online, that might save you time in the queue, but you’re better off arriving early and having a cup of famous Italian coffee than rushing through the airport trying to chase down a closing gate.
Hlavné kontaktné údaje
Flight information (automatic): +39 0481 773224
Lost & found (automatic): +39 0481 778050
General aviation: +39 0481 773304
Airport management: +39 0481 777438
Cargo: +39 0481 773258
Často kladené otázky
Can I buy my ticket to Trieste Airport from the Nomago InterCity driver?
It is possible to buy the tickets directly in the bus, but be advised that the transfer bus may arrive full. We strongly recommend you purchase your tickets well in advance to reserve your seats. You can also download the Nomago mobile app and purchase your tickets there, so that you avoid printing and carrying physical tickets (just be sure to have some power left in your phone as you’re ready to board).
Čo sa stane, ak je môj let zrušený potom, čo som si už kúpil transferové lístky?
Your airline or travel insurance should do the reimbursement for your transfer ticket costs.
Smerujem na letisko, aby som stihol let. Akým transferom by som mal ísť?
Vždy by ste mali cestovať autobusom, ktorý dorazí na letisko nie menej ako 3 hodiny pred odletom. Diaľnice vedúce na letisko Benátky sú veľmi rušné a aj malá nehoda môže spôsobiť hodinové meškanie. Aj v takom prípade vám však stále zostane čas 2 hodiny pred odletom.
Mám inú otázku alebo problém s mojím transferom.
Neváhajte a kontaktujte naše telefonické centrum na čísle +386 1 431 7777 a my urobíme všetko, aby sme vám pomohli.