Festival Tollwood – Mníchov
Tollwood is a festival like no other. Sure, it has the music you’d expect from any big festival, but its aims are much ...
Objavte viacTollwood is a festival like no other. Sure, it has the music you’d expect from any big festival, but its aims are much ...
Objavte viacThe Museum Embankment Festival (Museumsuferfest) is Europe’s largest cultural festival that will be held from 28th to ...
Objavte viacMusic festivals are what truly marks summer – wonderful music made by amazing artists can be heard everywhere around the ...
Objavte viacFantastické podujatie pre všetkých milovníkov rýchlosti a adrenalínu. V dňoch 30. júla a 1. augusta sa uskutoční ...
Objavte viacWe probably don’t need to introduce the world’s biggest folk fest. Whether you’re a beer lover or not, you’ve most ...
Objavte viacThe Venice Art Biennale is definitely the most known contemporary visual art exhibition in Europe. This event is held every ...
Objavte viacOne of the events that attracts the biggest number of visitors in the Munich area in summer months is definitely Isle of ...
Objavte viacNeexistuje nikto, kto by aspoň raz v živote nechcel zažiť cestovanie v čase. Ak sa pýtate sami seba, aký bol ...
Objavte viacNajznámejšie podujatie organizované organizáciou Festival Ljubljana je medzinárodný letný festival (symfonické a ...
Objavte viacFestival Sziget sa koná každý rok od roku 1993. V prvom roku to bolo len malé stretnutie priaznivcov a odvtedy sa ...
Objavte viacNiet pochýb, že letné Shakespeareove dni sú najstarším a najväčším „open air“ festivalom, ktorý prezentuje ...
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