
Bus transfer from Zagreb to Budapest

Objavte Bus transfer from Zagreb to Budapest

In order to make this 4-hour ride as comfortable as possible for passengers, we’ve removed a row of seats from our buses and offer free Wi-Fi and charging outlets to all our passengers. While you travel with us, you can surf the internet, take a nap, or look out the window and enjoy the magnificent scenery. The line offers 2 daily departures in each direction, with prices starting from 9,5 EUR.

Book your seats now using the search engine above and ensure a spot in any of our 3 seat classes.

Services & stops

The route departs at 23:15 and 14:30 every day and takes approximately 4 hours and 45 minutes. The bus stops to pick up passengers at the following stations: Zagreb, and GP Goričan (border crossing). These stops aren’t planned for breaks, but if the bus runs ahead of schedule, you’ll be able to stretch your legs.

Departing from Zagreb

While waiting to depart to Budapest, the Zagreb Bus Station has plenty to keep you occupied and comfortable. The station is open 24 hours a day, and is always lively. You can get to the station by tram, or taxi. Find more information about the Zagreb Bus Station.

Arriving in Budapest

Local time: 04:00

Local weather


The Budapest bus station is a 15-minute drive from the centre of the city.

You can get to your accommodation place or explore Budapest by public transportation, by taxi, or you can rent a bike or a car.

More information about the Budapest Bus Station

Travelling soon? Reserve your seats!